hi, hello & welcome back, friends! February is truly flying by and after 4 weeks in the new place, I can truthfully say I’m starting to settle in. My kitchen, laundry/hosting room and primary bedroom closet are all fully unpackaged, organized and beautiful. My living room is set and styled with bookshelves and art installed. My guest bedroom is waiting on wallpaper and art install with the need to move around some larger furniture pieces. And after this weekend, my office is wallpapered, half installed with art and already shaping up to be my favorite room. ICYMI, I shared a sneak peek with my Heritage Vine wallpaper #gifted and y’all, I cannot be happier. This design is perfect for almost any room and is serving as the perfect backdrop for my home office. I’m now on the hunt for the perfect bulletin or whiteboard or design board to fill a large open wall and use as a creative space. I can’t wait to show you more!
Anyway, right before I moved out of my previous home, I had a lot of fun thinking about tablescapes and hosting in that dining room. And honestly, I put together one of my favorite tables for a casual dinner using my beloved Ginori Oriente Italiano dinner plates (truly, the plate of my dreams!).ย So, let’s jump in:
I was graciously gifted this tablecloth and knew it would be the perfect back drop for all the warm colors and patterns to come. The tortoise tom collins glasses (similar) were an early Charlotte pop-up purchase and now that they are no longer sold, I am holding on to them for dear life. The tortoise cutlery matched perfectly and were gifted through my Southern Living x Dillards series I hosted last year on their TikTok. I snagged these taper candle holders from a favorite UK brand during their big sale last winter. ย As always, you know a table for me isn’t complete without Estelle. The martini glasses might be my favorite product, next to decanters, and I had the perfect amount of blue martini glasses ย for this dinner.
Outside of genuinely enjoying all these colors together, this dinner party table was fun to put together to highlight many of my favorite small businesses like Estelle Colored Glass, Half Past Seven and Maison Venu. And many of you know that I had dreamed of these dinner plates for years. Like years on years on years have been droolling over these gorgeous plates and last year for my birthday, my BFF gifted me a few and I purchased the others.
And just like that, we had a warm winter tablescape set for four at home. Find some of my favorite Spring tabletop finds in a collection: here. Thanks so much for reading friends. Have the best day xoxo
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