Happy Monday, y’all! Well, I’ve been hinting at this for a few days but ICYMI: I quit my job. In my perfect world, I would love to say that I quit to pursue blogging full-time, but that’s not the case. However, I am actually excited to share a little bit about this that I have been keeping on the low for some time plus, some tips I would have gotten during college.
So, a little back story: I recently graduated with a dual-bachelor’s degree, concentrations in two subjects and a crap ton of student organizations, volunteer commitments and other things that made my first resume insanely long (It was amazing to cut off a ton of extra lines of information for a sleek one-page resume for job hunting this time around). It was such a great relief to finally be done + have a job waiting for me as soon as I graduated. I was thrilled at the thought because unlike many of my friends, I was so blessed to not have a hard time hunting for jobs and securing interviews. Looking back, I realize that I was on a “high” sort of and missed many things that were a reflection of what my experiences would soon be. So the first think I wish I heard is to trust your gut. You know when you’re about to make a decision that your parents would not be proud of and you feel it in the pit of your stomach because you know it is dangerous or harmful or just not your best judgement? Trust that. For me, looking back, I know that I felt that I hadn’t made a full, honest and complete decision but I had entirely too much pride to say that I made a mistake.
My second bit would be to fully read and understand your job description. This sounds S O simple, but honestly, I feel like a lot of people miss it. No matter if you currently looking or will be soon, I strongly advise you to ask as many questions as you can about the day-to-day job responsibilities or job title or anything else that is causing you confusion. My favorite thing during an interview to inquire about is the “other duties as assigned” bit. This phrase is ALWAYS a net for tons of other duties that could either be exciting or challenging or new or boring or difficult, but you will never know until you ask. I ask how much time would be spent in each sub category of the job. Example: Lets say your main three job descriptions include handling digital + print communications; event planning and supervision of volunteers. If you know deep down that event planning is something you struggle with or need more help/training on, it may be helpful to ask how much of time will be dedicated to that so you know in advance and can seek out the proper resources or help when needed. Learning that your job will be 40% of doing something you don’t think is a talent of yours will either pull you closer to the opportunity of turn you away completely. Both are okay.
My third bit is to never compromise your morals for a job. I feel like this explains itself but I feel like as recent grads, much of the advice we tend to get is “Take whatever job you get” or “Everyone’s first job sucks so just get over it” or “Your job shouldn’t have an impact on your personal life” and I honestly hate all of that so-called-advice. Learning curves are natural, stepping out of your normal is common and trying new things are bound to happen, but drawing the line between compromising morals and who you really are, is vital. Respect is also HUGE here. If you feel like you are being disrespected or purposely treated poorly, it is time to G O.
The fourth bit is to work on your personal development. As much as your job is for you to give and make it better, you job also serves as the perfect opportunity to gain and make yourself better. For me, I love to learn new things. Wether it’s how to do something in Excel or using a new scheduling system for social media or how to fundraise with multiple groups, I love it all. So as you are learning these new skills to benefit your job, you have the perfect chance to dig more into those skills and see how they can transferred to other aspects of your life. For example, if you learning how to work a new budgeting/finance system, you can easily take those skills home to advance your personal billing and budgeting. The one thing I wish I would have had time to do was join a young professionals network. We have one right in my county, but my night schedule would always fill up and I would never be able to make it to meetings. Joining your local YPN could bridge a gap for you connect you with others who are either currently in your shoes and/or been in your shoes before.
Lastly, soak up everything and learn. I totally believe that even if you hate every single second of your job, that you can learn something. (I’m 100% an advocate of leaving a job that you know just isn’t right for you, no matter the time employed) Instead of learning how to manage employees, you may learn how to not manage people based off your experiences. Or maybe this is your first time planning a large event and you excel at some things but completely miss the shot on other things: both are great chances to learn. Even when your time at that job is coming to an end, you can learn from how warm or harsh people treat you or how you balance transitioning from one job to the next. And maybe you stay at a job a little shorter than you thought you would or longer than you really wanted to, but both of those could also be great opportunities to learn but also great talking points when you’re around others who are feeling down and out about their job or are wondering if they should move on and everything in between.
Here’s some just simply from me:
- It is never too early to leave a bad job
- You entire self worth doesn’t have to depend on your job
- You overall mental health and happiness is more important that money
- Never down play your skill set
- Networking is the greatest thing you will ever learn how to do
In case you were wondering how I knew it was time to quit: I was insanely unhappy every single day. I felt that I wasn’t being challenged, learning anything new or pouring into myself. I felt that I had to compromise many things I stood for. I lost interest in personal activities that made me really happy as a result of stress.
So, that’s all for my advice I wish I would have gotten: Trust you gut; fully understand your job description; never compromise your morals; work on your own professional development; and soak up everything and learn. And for tips I have to give. I hope everyone has a l o v e l y week! Below, I’m sharing some pictures of my recent trip to Odom Farm Inc. in Goldsboro, NC! See ya -xo, Azanique
Proud of you and feeling excited to see what’s coming next! These are all really great tips! It will be good to have a chance to regroup and refresh! I hope your week is off to a good start!
I can’t wait to see what is in store for you! So many great tips here! Hope you have a happy Monday!
I think this post should be mandatory for everyone who is seeking a job right out of school, or is considering leaving a job! My favorite part is, “You overall mental health and happiness is more important that money.” I say that so often to all of my friends and myself. Wishing you luck in your next steps!
Loved reading this. I hated my first job out of college and wish I would have left sooner than I did. Life is too short to stay at a job you don’t like!
xo, Steph
Proud of you for following how you felt! I’m currently in first post-grad job right now and can feel you on a lot of those points 🙂
Lauren | http://www.mylifeaslaurr. com
what a great post with really great tips!such a good read!
So proud of you! Love the drive! Goodluck
Thanks girl! I really appreciate it 🙂
Your tips are so true and so helpful! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for reading!
This is such a great post girl! Love your advice and tips, they are all so true. And when one door closes, another opens!
cute & little
I totally agree! Thank you.
Soo much good stuff in this post! Kudos to you for doing what is best for you. It can be so easy to attempt to stick it out because society tells us this or society tells us that, but there’s no point in sticking it out at a job that doesn’t make you happy, especially when we’re this young.
I hope that you absolutely love your next job 🙂
XO, SS || Seersucker Sass
Love this – so motivating to do what you want and need! I’ve hated soooo many of my jobs, and the best thing I have ever done is quit them!
I love the advice you gave! I know that many may say that it is not a good idea to quit a job fresh out of college, but I disagree. Go with your gut and trust your instincts. I have learned throughout the years to never compromise yourself, your ability or your morals for a job. God will provide!
Girl, I totally agree! I actually the best time to leave jobs is right after college because you’re probably at the most flexible time in your life.
Great tips! Job hunting can be a beast, all on its own and its great to sit back and plan out your actions.
it takes such a confident and smart woman to stand up and realize all those things. I eventually will be going back out into the work force an so glade to read these things.
You’re so sweet! Yes, I totally wish I had this advice 6 months ago
Such a great post, and reminder! Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful advice for leaving your first job and lovely pumpkin patch photos! I know you aren’t alone in finding your first job unsatisfying. I’ve had jobs that were not what I expected and chose to leave as well. Good luck with your next endeavor!
I agree that your self worth doesn’t have to be tied to your job!
I totally agree!
This is such an amazing post! I’ve been there, and you have advice I was looking for when I was trying to find something new!
Thanks girl! That means so much
I’m sure it was a scary decision, quitting this job, but it sounds like you learned so much from the experience overall, and sometimes that can end up helping you even more than you expected in the long-run! I can only hope and pray that your next work environment is a thousand times more beneficial and possibly even more comfortable for you!
I’ve quit a job before and it was the best decision I ever made! Life turned out better than what I could have imagined!
Congrats on learning so much from your job and what it is that you need to look for the next time around. It is so important to know that an interview is as much an opportunity for your potential employer to see if you’re a good fit for their company as it is for you to see if the company is the right fit for you.
xo, Laura
I totally agree girl! It was a great learning experience.
One thing I wish I realized early on is that if a job sucks, you quit. Doesn’t matter if it’s a week or a year. I always thought you had to stick it out and suck it up and I wasted so much time that way!
Megan | http://www.pipmegan.com
Girl, I feel like so many people have done the same. Including me! It is never worth it
I’m so happy that you decided to take the plunge and make a change. These are all really great tips, and you’ve definitely inspired me to kick up my job-searching efforts because you’re so right: your mental health is NOT worth any amount of money. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and I hope you find something you absolutely love. You deserve it!
Thank you doll! Once I realized that, everything changed 🙂 Good luck to you!
You should be so proud of yourself! You are an inspiration to many! Thanks for sharing!
You are so sweet! Thank you 🙂
Glad to hear that you’ve been happier since quitting your job! I actually did something similar recently, but it was just a part-time job I had during college. I still have one semester left, but it was so draining and I couldn’t do it anymore. It’s so liberating to quit sometimes!
The advice you give here is incredible! I’m glad things are working out and that you’re in a better work environment now. Much success to you girl!
I love all of this! I got to this place over a year ago and quit my job to work for myself and it was the best decision!
Greta | http://www.gretahollar.com
Good for you for recognizing your worth and pursuing what makes you happy!!
Congrats on taking the first step to becoming a better YOU! I’m sure you’ll find what makes your soul sing 🙂
Thanks so much! I slowly am 🙂
Congrats on taking this big leap in your life. It is scary and unknown sometimes but so so worth as long as you stay true to yourself. Good luck in your career it sounds like you’re on a great path <
xo Jannine | http://www.happystylishfit.com
I totally agree girl! Thank you for that 🙂
I’m glad you quit your job! Kudos to you! It’s so standard to have income in this time of age that a lot of people lower their wants, needs, standards, etc, just to have an income to survive. I’ve been victim of thinking “maybe I shouldn’t be hoping for so much. I should feel blessed and happy and content where I am. There’s someone worse than me right now”. While it’s true to find happiness where you currently are, I feel you should never settle for less than what you want. Especially when you’re putting it the hard work. Great post!
loved reading this!!
Thanks for reading 🙂
YOU GO GIRL! So many important things to be said for that! Good luck 🙂
xx Rebecca // The Crystal Press
Here’s to bigger and brighter things! My first job out of college was miserable and I agree – it’s never too early to leave a bad job. Best wishes with the next exciting opportunity!
Perfect timing for this post as I’m getting ready for graduation. Definitely something I will keep in mind over the next few months. Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome girl! Definitely was eye-opening for me 🙂
Thank you for giving such great advice! Can’t wait to hear about your next opportunity!
Diary of a Debutante
Kudos to you for leaving a job you weren’t happy with. Many of us get stuck because we think that we can’t do better or there’s nothing else out there for us. This was such a great post and definitely great advice for someone straight out of college or for someone who’s been employed for many years. Good luck in your endeavors.
I really appreciate that! I would hate to feel stuck at any point of my life, especially right after college.
What a courageous step you took in quitting your job! The advice you give is great and will help so many in the same situation as you were or about to take that next step. Good luck to you in all that’s ahead!
Meaghan xx
On to bigger and better things girl!
So true!
Quitting your job is a scary but sometimes necessary thing. So glad that you had fun at the meet and greet. I had so much fun putting it together.
I have done this before and it takes a lot of guts but you will be so much more happy in the end
I totally agree! Thank you for your kinds words 🙂
So many great tips! Glad you made the best decision for you. Can’t wait to see what is instore for you next!
Such a cute post!!
A pumpkin patch is on my list this Fall!
Thanks for reading girl!
This is such a valuable lesson to learn, and I’m so glad you had the courage to do what was right for you! Everything is going to work out just fine.
Tori || Victori Media