Happy Sunday Sunday y'all! Let's talk for a second about small acts of kindness. You know that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you're in the Starbucks line and the person in front of you pays for drink? Or when you're $1 short at a cash-only place and the person behind you spots you the ...
What being the over-involved student taught me
Hey y'all, welcome back to Absolutely Azanique! It's only the third week of my final year at ECU and I've already feel like the #OverInvolvedStudentStruggles are far too real. But instead of complaining about the struggles, here are the best lessons I've learned: Your planner is the ...
When your accomplishments don’t feel like your own – Imposter syndrome?
Last week, I woke up filled with an energy that felt so happy and free...yet so heavy all at once. I realized my life was "perfect". All the things I had been praying and hoping for, for the past year, were all coming true. I felt confident in my walk in God, I felt safe in my relationships, solid ...
How to start the best semester ever!
Hi friends! Welcome back to Absolutely Azanique. If you haven't noticed, I've done some revamping on the blog, as well as got my own domain. I now officially own a little piece of the internet. HOORAY! So, for my ECU and surroundings schools fam, the new semester starts tomorrow. So let's talk about ...
When I learned it was okay to be “Too Much”
Hi friends! Recently I did a post on How I found my voice & afterwards, I felt liberated, free, transparent and honest all at once. I had shared many of my personal struggles, frustrations and short-comings & I'm so happy to have received so much positive feedback from everyone. It can be ...
What to do when you just can’t get it together
Hi friends, welcome back to Absolutely Azanique. I know for myself, that far too often I feel like I can't get "it" together and now I know I'm not the only one because a few people requested this post (Soul-Sistas, hey girl!) So let's talk about it! The first thing I discovered, many times after ...